
Welcome to Dongguan Fengfa precision mould Co., Ltd.


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Feng FA, striving for excellence

About the rich hair

Feng FA, striving for excellence

Dongguan Fengfa Precision Mold Co., Ltd. was established on October 3, 2013, located in Changan Town, Dongguan City, China's major mold town, covering an area of more than 4000 square meters, the existing technical staff of nearly 100 people, the annual turnover of more than 30 million yuan, is a set of design, development, processing as one of the high-end technology of mold manufacturing enterprises. Mainly engaged in the development, design and manufacturing of precision metal stamping mold and precision plastic mold, as well as automation accessories and fixtures, the business involves precision metal stamping, precision connectors, precision plastic parts, automation equipment accessories and other products. Involved in communications, computers, automobiles, mobile phones, electronic devices, LED lead bracket, FPC series, IC packaging semiconductor, micro motor motor, aviation and other advanced technology manufacturing industries.

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Feng FA, striving for excellence

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Feng FA, striving for excellence

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Feng FA, striving for excellence
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